1125 CIC value the arts and know how inspiring drama, digital media, video projects, photography and any creative outlet can be. Over the year we run many arts projects for young people to get  involved in to improve their confidence and ability to express themselves. 


Hidden voices is a project which encourages young people to explore hidden voices in their local Merseyside area with regard to race and how issues have been dealt with in the past in order to help communities come together and build stronger relationships.

The group have been interviewing and collecting statements from people in the black Toxteth community. The project has got people talking so please look at the inspiring work produced.


‘Make Ourselves Heard’ was a project working with young people aged 11-25 that have been disadvantaged through homelessness, exclusion, mental health issues and abuse. Using Forum theatre the group created a performance to make people to understand how the young people feel and enable the group to have a voice.


The Park Bench project enabled vulnerable young people from Flintshire to create a short film about mental health. Over the year the young people had been vocal about the struggles teenagers have experienced during covid-19 and spoke about how anxiety had impacted many people’s lives. They wanted to make a video to display different emotions but wanted to do this using props and actions. The group worked with a dance artist and developed a small choreograph pieces, which later got edited into the original video piece. 19 young people took part in the project and 1125 CIC and the youth group are proud of the short film and hope it helps other young people open up about mental health. 


1125 C.I.C created a dragon trails for the Community in Flintshire during 2022. 10 young people were part of the project - one young volunteer retold the Welsh folk story of Blodeuwedd and Gelert during lockdown, as part of a creative writing project. 8 young people have painted and installed the doors and 2 young volunteers have read the story for the audio. 1125 C.I.C and the youth group and young volunteers hope you enjoy the trail. 


Re-boot was a gaming inspired project working with young people aged 11 – 15 and 15-19 in Flintshire that encouraged healthy life skills and aimed at reducing risk taking behaviour. The groups took part in innovative workshops with ‘real life’ scenarios having to physically problem solve instead of using avatars.

The workshops covered online and phone safety with reference to ‘selfies’ and snap chat, laws around the age of consent, healthy relationships, 5 steps of mental health and resilience. The group were provided with challenges which helped motivate them, improve their attitude and confidence to make more informed choices in the future.


Flipside was a 3 phase project focusing on helping young people that had experienced homelessness to improve their mental wellbeing by following 5 steps ‘connecting’, ‘be active’, ‘mindfulness’, ‘keep learning’ and ‘give to others’. 

The first phase of the project was engagement and the young people participated in arts based sessions where they ‘connected’, ‘were active’ and ‘mindful’. The second phase was ‘Keep learning’ through a healthy relationship and wellbeing course focusing on beliefs for ‘self’ and ‘others’, and work on re-evaluating some areas so they are positive instead of negative. The last phase was to ‘give to others’ and this involved team work by creating a large scale abstract painting for Basix Wrestling Club to represent the journey the group had been on, and the importance of working towards a brighter future.

We would like to say a big thankyou to the wonderful organisations, funders and people who have helped us with these projects and events.

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